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Lean Organization at special machine manufacturer

As part of a lean implementation project, our client was faced with the question of how the company organization could best support customer-oriented action and lean processes. Our answer: introduction of a process-ideal organizational structure, qualification and use of agile collaboration models as well as development and implementation of a corporate mission statement as a guide for employees.

Lean implementation at a special machine manufacturer

What do you do when you see a need for optimization in many areas of an organization?

One good option is a comprehensive Lean Assessment by BLSG to make deficits transparent and to launch tailored improvement initiatives: We look at all areas, from lean leadership & culture to lean processes (shopfloor and administration), customer orientation and lean organization. Therefore we conduct interviews on all hierarchy levels, work out weak points with the process experts and determine and interpret relevant key performance indicators.

At a special machine manufacturer, the assessment revealed important areas for action in the project management standards, in the lack of transparency regarding deadlines and other performance KPIs, and in a lack of error and improvement culture. In an optimization project lasting several months, we were able to work together with the employees of the organization to not only solve the biggest operational problems, but also to achieve a positive change in the mood and culture of cooperation.