Since 2004, leading companies worldwide have trusted our expertise

// Services

Pragmatic – measurable – sustainable

We have built our core strengths through years of practical experience and intensive training. Our experience implementing solutions helps us in conceiving new ones. We stick with you on your projects from start to finish, giving you secure and steadfast support through all phases, from planning through implementation to ramp-up validation.


Two Day Production/ Logistics Assessment

Our company offers a comprehensive two-day Lean Production & Logistics Assessment specifically designed to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your production and logistics processes.

Objective of the assessment

The main objective of our assessment is to gain a very good understanding of your production and the current situation in your company. Our experienced consultants identify specific potential that will help you to optimize your processes and increase your competitiveness.

Assessment procedure

Two experienced consultants from our team visit your company for two days. During this time, they carry out a detailed analysis of your current processes and identify specific areas with potential for improvement. They use various proven LEAN methods, including

  • As-is mapping and understanding of your processes (e.g. Gemba Walk, Value Stream Mapping, Root Cause Analysis)
  • Analysis of existing processes (e.g. data analysis, spaghetti diagram, time measurements)
  • Selection of focus areas
  • Detailing the target status of focus areas and deriving specific measures
  • Elaboration of the measures and quantification of the resulting potential

Advantages for you as a customer

  • Low risk and commitment: Our assessment requires minimal time and financial investment on your part. It offers you the opportunity to gain valuable insights and concrete suggestions for improvement without making long-term commitments.
  • Minimal internal resource requirements: As our consultants do most of the analysis work, the need for internal resources is minimal. Your team can continue to focus on day-to-day tasks while we uncover efficiency potential.
  • Guaranteed measures with proven potential: At the end of the assessment, we present you with two specific measures that are described in detail and whose potential has been proven. These measures are practical and directly implementable so that you can benefit immediately from the identified improvements.

Your Benefit

Our Lean Production & Logistics Assessment will provide you with valuable insights into your processes that will help you to reduce costs, shorten throughput times and increase the quality of your products. With our tailored recommendations, you lay the foundation for sustainable optimization of your production and logistics processes.

Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) Assessment

Off into the digital future!

With our Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) Assessment, we offer you a comprehensive review of your digital maturity level, define a target state and draw up an implementation roadmap. We show you which individual digital solutions can optimally support your processes in the future.

Objective of the Assesssment

The main objective of our assessment is to provide you with a vision and a roadmap for your digital future. This allows you to focus on a target vision and make optimum use of your resources.

Assessment procedure

Two experienced consultants from our team visit your production facility for three days. During this time, they carry out a detailed analysis of your current processes and identify specific areas with potential for improvement. The initial aim is to understand your processes and information flows in their entirety and, if possible, to streamline them as far as possible before digitalizing them. We then work with you to develop possible digital solutions that provide you with optimum support in your process. From this, a target image is created and concrete implementation measures are derived.

The procedure in detail:

  • AS-IS Analysis: Check of your digitalization strategy. Check of your current process and pain points in a Gemba walk (Data availability and usage, IT-systems landscape, KPI visualization)
  • Digitalization use cases: Definition of use cases that hit the pain points, e.g. data storage, dashboarding, machine control, machine learning. Evaluation of the measures and use cases according to costs and benefits
  • Target system architecture: Target process of value creation by using data, personas, processes and requirements. Optimization backlog (KPI potentials). Target system architecture. All systems involved and types of machine interfaces. Main data flows
  • Implementation roadmap: Prioritization and bundling of measures and use cases to define the most important implementation steps. E.g. IIoT architecture, use cases, value stream. Define MVP – infrastructure and architecture. Description of the implementation requirements. Definition of responsibilities, timeline, personnel expenses and invests. Set up of the implementation project

Advantages for you as a customer

  • Low risk and commitment: Our assessment requires minimal time and financial investment on your part. It offers you the opportunity to gain valuable insights and concrete suggestions for improvement without making long-term commitments.
  • Extensive expertise: with Process Automation Solutions as our parent company, we combine expertise in the areas of digitalization and automation with our experience in lean management and lean production. This unique combination helps you to create a holistic target picture for processes, automation and digitalization.
  • At your shop floor: We are an implementation consultancy that deeply involves your employees in finding a solution and thus makes them part of the solution. This not only increases implementation success, but also employee motivation
  • Maximum efficiency: With you on site, we quickly achieve demonstrable results that quickly show your cost impact.

Your Benefit

Our Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) Assessment provides you with valuable insights into your processes that help you to reduce costs, shorten throughput times and increase the quality of your products. With our tailored digital recommendations, you lay the foundation for the sustainable digitalization of your processes.

Operational Excellence

Are you bothered by high setup and downtimes, high scrap rates, unnecessarily long transport routes and excessive inventories? These types of waste are common drivers of efficiency losses in production.

Get clarity on the efficiency potential of your value creation process and the major efficiency levers in your direct and indirect areas. Design your processes with us to be leaner, more flexible and more customer-oriented. Follow a clear target picture, leverage the potential and improve your competitive position. Implement measures that have an impact on results and design a sustainable value network.


Our services in detail

Efficiency Increase and Cost Reduction: Identification of waste and improvement potential. Optimization of the value stream.

Lean Administration: Elimination of repetitive and non-standardized activities. Introduction of supporting IT processes. Saving of indirect administrative costs.

Plant Structure Planning: Rough and detailed layout planning in the green and brownfield to implement the ideal value stream. Deduction of requirements for the building structure.

Production Planning, Control and Scheduling: Conception of processes and design of IT systems. Balancing of production systems. Ensuring material availability.

Production and Assembly System Planning: Optimization of workstation and area layouts. Resource calculation. Workstation synchronization.

TPM, Maintenance and Quality Improvement: Development of maintenance plans. Improvement of equipment availability (OEE). Reduction of defect rates and scrap.

Production Strategy: Design of sustainable production strategies. Transformation support from actual to target state.

Site Organization: Definition of a lean target organization for your site. Definition of roles, tasks and competencies.

Site and Factory Planning

Do you produce close to your customers? Do your sites have lean and directed material and information flows? Are your manufacturing capacities designed to be customer-oriented and flexible?

Site and factory planning decisions have strategic, long-term implications. We help you to take all important factors into account. The result is an optimal site selection with a clear orientation towards maximum efficiency and stable production. The focus is on lean and directed material and information flows as well as maximum customer orientation.


Our services in detail

Plant Structure Planning: Rough and detailed layout planning in the green and brownfield to implement the ideal value stream. Deduction of requirements for the building structure.

Site Selection and Footprint: Determination of site factors. Definition of the site strategy. Specification of a future-proof site. Validation of expandability.

Production Planning, Control and Scheduling: Conception of processes and design of IT systems. Balancing of production systems. Ensuring material availability.

Production Strategy: Design of sustainable production strategies. Transformation support from the actual to the target state.

Production and Assembly System Planning: Optimization of workplace and area layouts. Resource calculation. Workstation synchronization.

Supply Chain Design and Logistics Planning: Optimal supply chain design. Ensuring robust production supply. Increasing responsiveness. Reduction of inventories.

Site Structure Organization: Definition of a lean target organization for your site. Definition of roles, tasks and competencies.

Simulation: Mapping of material and information flows. Dimensioning and validation of performance requirements and stress scenarios. Fine-tuning of system parameters.

Smart Factory: Information interconnection in the factory (IoT/ IoS). Automation through robotics. Digitalization of the store floor. Identification of use cases. Implementation support.

Supply Chain Management and Logistics Planning

Are you challenged to master the complexity of your supply chain? Are you struggling to ensure material availability?

We help you implement a resilient supply chain that provides robust supplies for your production. To do this, we ensure transparency along the entire supply chain, establish defined inventories and minimize logistics risks with you.

Do you already have a reliable and robust supply chain? Then we can help you become the best. Together, we leverage efficiency potentials, e.g. through smart digitalization solutions, increase delivery reliability and find the overall cost-optimal operating point.


Our services in detail

Supply Chain Design and Implementation: Development and implementation of a sourcing strategy. Preparation of make-or-buy decisions.

Supply Chain Risk Management and Resilience: Assessment of logistical risks. Design of resilient structures. Stress testing of the supply chain.

Supply Chain Sustainability: Analysis of the CO2 footprint. Calculation of the sustainability maturity level. Selection and evaluation of sustainable suppliers.

Supply Chain Control, Monitoring and Inventory Management: Supply chain analysis and evaluation. Definition of optimization measures. Implementation support.

Digital Supply Chain: Process analysis and monitoring. Process standardization (e.g. for SAP EWM). Interface connection (e.g. EDI, OpenAPI). Integration of a digital twin.

Logistics Conception: Development of master planning. Design of rough concepts. Detailed planning and supplier selection. Implementation support. Acceptance through performance and availability tests.

Warehouse Planning and Dimensioning: Technology selection (e.g. miniload, high-bay warehouse, shuttle). Dimensioning of capacities, dynamics and resources. Inventory optimization.

Production Logistics: Technology selection (e.g. tugger train, AGV). Definition of material supply processes. Dimensioning via logistics MTM. Planning of infrastructure (e.g. for navigation).

Automation of Logistics Processes: Identification of automation potentials. Implementation of smart automation solutions. Automation of information and material flows.

Simulation: Mapping of material and information flows. Dimensioning and validation of performance requirements and stress scenarios. Fine-tuning of system parameters.

Digitalization and Industry 4.0

Digitalization of your processes is a decisive competitive factor. But choosing the right digitalization strategy and implementing digitalization projects can be a challenge.

We work with you to find the greatest potential for digitalization in your company and create a digitalization vision so that you digitalize with a clear roadmap. We work with you to select suitable solutions independently of vendors that represent the optimal fit for your company and manage the tendering and decision-making process as well as the implementation of the project. The result is high efficiency savings and time savings in operational production and logistics areas as well as in administration.


Our services in detail

Quick Check Digitalization: Assessment of the digital maturity level. Identification of digitalization potentials.

Digitalization Strategy: Design of the vision. Creation of the roadmap. Development of the digital portfolio. Design of the digital change process.

Implementation of efficient Digitalization Solutions: Data monitoring with data and process mining. Use of AI algorithms. Automation of repetitive activities through RPA solutions.

Digital Supply Chain: Process analysis and monitoring. Process standardization (e.g. for SAP EWM). Interface connection (e.g. EDI, OpenAPI). Integration of a digital twin.

Smart Factory: Information interconnection in the factory (IoT/IoS). Automation through robotics. Digitalization of the store floor. Identification of use cases. Implementation support.

Simulation: Mapping of material and information flows. Dimensioning and validation of performance requirements and stress scenarios. Fine-tuning of system parameters.

Project and Change Management

Consistent project and transformation management is the basis for every successful project. Complex projects can become slow due to new challenges and a high level of persistence within the company. In the process, the actual targets are often lost sight of.

We help you to formulate SMART objectives and to pursue them consistently until they are achieved. We keep an eye on the schedule and costs for you and thus ensure the success of the project. We ensure transparent and easy communication among all project participants. Through targeted change management, we address all stakeholders and turn those affected into participants!


Our services in detail

Individual Project Management Approach: Agile and hybrid project management. Classic project management. Schedule and cost monitoring and adherence. Compliance with IPMA standards.

Assessment Portfolio, Program and Project Management: Assessment of project portfolio and contribution to corporate strategy. Establishment of project management standards.

Transformation and Change Management: Methodical monitoring and support of the change process. Training and motivation of employees.

Corporate Development

The sustainable development of your company is based on long-term decisions. We help you to make these decisions based on sound data and many years of experience. In this way, you gain certainty in structural and investment decisions. The results are a forward-looking organization and strategy that lead to efficiency increases, cost reductions and thus to an improvement of your competitive and profit situation. We help you to reach the optimal operating point in your company.


Our services in detail

Restructuring and Turnaround: Analysis and reduction of material, manufacturing and logistics costs. Aligning the organizational chart and headcounts to a lean structure.

Reorganization of Divisions: Improvement of divisional communication. Definition of interfaces and responsibilities. Introduction of an internal customer-supplier principle.

Site Structure Organization: Definition of a lean target organization for your site. Establishment of roles, tasks and competencies.

Investment Decisions: ROI and economic feasibility studies. Cost comparison calculations. Examination of funding and financing measures.

Potential Evaluation: Performing product price evaluations. Calculation of a realistic EBIT potential in the area of operations.

Product and Value Analysis

You are facing high production costs? Your product is too expensive for potential customers?

Material and production costs have a major impact on your profit margin. The lower these costs are, the greater your scope for further investment. We help you to reduce your product costs. This will give you a competitive advantage in a competitive market.

In addition, we increase the value and benefit of your products for your customers.

By specifically matching product functions to customer needs, the willingness to spend increases significantly. This is how you win new customers – and retain their loyalty to your company in the long term.


Our services in detail

Value Analysis: Identification of customer needs. Functional analysis and definition of your products and alignment with customer needs. Development of a customer-oriented production process.

Product Component Analysis: Analysis of product costs. Benchmarking to competitors. Identification and reduction of cost drivers to increase the contribution margin.

Product Benefit Analysis: Identification and increase of customer value (value proposition). Improvement of market positioning.

Product Portfolio Analysis: Improvement of profitability through the design of a strategic and sustainable product portfolio. Realization of synergy potentials and cost savings.